
MLS® Laser Therapy

Download Our Case Study: Treatment of Paresis of the Hind Legs in River Otter with MLS Laser Therapy

Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Clearwater, FL

Patient: Cooper, North American river otter (Lontra canadensis), 16 yrs old.  
History: Cooper was rescued by Clearwater Marine Aquarium on July 2001 when he was 7-9 months. In the next six months, he regained mobility and did not exhibit signs of pain. In 2007, he noticeably lost mobility of his hind legs. Since then, he drags them and presents occasional and isolated movements related to defecation events.

mls2017CE_CRI_Partnership_Logo[1]Laser Therapy, the fastest growing modality within the veterinary market, will allow you to expand your service offerings while adding profit to your practice!

MLS® Laser Therapy, a Class IV technology, provides…
• Effective treatment of painful and debilitating conditions
• Patient safety without the risk of collateral tissue damage
• A patented pulse pattern delivering unparalleled clinical results